Wednesday, July 1, 2009


June definitely went well, but not as well as I had planned. Things got really hectic with the end of the year at South, but I am off now and that means NO EXCUSES!

The month in review:
-Workout 25/30 days
-13 run
-9 bike
-1 swim
-1 row
-1 zumba
-1 chiseled
-Lift/Abs 23 days.
-Bricks weekly

I have 3.5 weeks to go and am finally getting nervous. New England has made it extremely difficult to swim with the daily sporadic thunderstorms, and hence, once again, my swimming is lacking. I REALLY need to work on it this month - I honestly don't want to drop out after my first event.

So swim I shall. I think.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Lots to catch up on, but in the meantime, a map of my course!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Brick by brick

Most training blogs I have read suggest doing a weekly brick the two months before the big day. I kind of babied out last week, but went for it today, and damn did it go!

I actually did the brick backwards because Parker really needed to get out for a run, but nonetheless everything went well. I was able to do a 2.0 mile run (slightly under the 2.9 needed for the race) followed by a full 12-mile bike ride (complete with the evil hill) in 1:11!!

My success here has done more for my confidence than anything else in the last two months have, and honestly, if I keep working hard, I may just place somewhere respectable after all!

Monday, June 1, 2009

2 down, 2 to go!

2 down, 2 to go baaaby! Have you donated? If not, do so, $5 is good, we like $5, or more, your choice :)

May was sweet. I had 24 workouts in the month - 13 runs, 9 bikes (despite being without a bike for a week), aryingnd even 2 swims! I'm feeling good about everything, have avoided all injury, and am looking forward to the month to come. June holds many things, including weekly bricks (combining 2 events in one session), and trying out the actual course.

I've bought a Holden pool pass and that should help increase my swim times, but hey, I'll have adrenaline on my side, and I always have the back float, right?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I can't swim but I didn't drown..

Today, thanks to the supreme kindness of Laura and Courtney, I did my first full swim session. I used the pool at their complex and did a combo of freestyle and breast stroke for about 25 minutes. Honestly, despite the fact I've been working out 6x/week, I have never felt so out of shape. My arms ache, my lungs hurt, and I feel like a complete loser. I 'm going to go back tomorrow morning for another work out, and like with all things...this will come too.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

One down, three to go

April was my first full month of training, and so far, so good.
I was able to train 23 out of 30 days, 14 running, 9 on the bike, 20 strength training additions. I'm doing full distances on both events and even swam one full lap at the pool in Vegas.
May is here and I have one goal - swim, swim, swim. I'm determined to hit the pool tomorrow, it will be raining out, I have no plans, and therefore no excuse. The one lap I did was painful and all the training I have been doing will be for nothing if I can't make it past the first event. So here we go, time to get wet!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Walk the Line.. barely

Well, the diagnosis was not what I was hoping. I was hoping for a pinpointed, specific problem with a simple solution. Instead, as always, it is wayyy more complicated than that. I apparently have a whole host of problems nagging me from head to foot (literally), which has caused a muscle/tendon in my left leg (which connects all the way down through the ankle and foot) to inflame and not properly supply blood circulation as a result of the left side of my body relying too heaving on said muscle. Something like that. However, this is along the long-sought explanation to my hip and knee problems. Solution: I need to be wealthy to keep up with maintenance, including regular physical therapy, fancy running shoes, orthodics and daily torture exercises to loosen the muscle on my own. I sort of wish it was just a broken ankle so the pain could be treated and healed and I would be fixed in a few weeks. No such luck. This negates all my previous hard work and I'll have to start over again when my ankle/foot/leg/whaetever the hell it is starts to feel better. After several days of the torture exercises which dangerously flirt with the highest level on my pain threshold, I can walk a little further before stopping and wincing and can even wear heels around at work! I guess during times like these it's the little things in life...